Dr. Jill Biden: The Oligarch’s Worst Nightmare
The latest Wall Street Journal article, written by Jeffery Epstein, on Jill Biden is just one in a series of baseless, idiotic attempts to paint educated people as something or someone's to be despised.
People like Epstein and company use words like ‘educated elite’ or the ‘intelligentsia’ (in my circle, it was fundamentalist preachers) in this sort of folksy way that both elevates its audience with their rhetorical flourish and at the same time shackles them into bondage.
The audience, their intended targets, ignorantly laugh as the manacles of thought control are slapped on their wrists, and they are led to the proverbial plantation to serve their masters for the rest of their lives. Steeped in their ignorance, unaware of the world around them, unaware of their being, they will labor in service of whatever rich person holds the reigns.
I am using this language specifically to conjure up in your mind the antebellum plantations of the deep south for a reason because one of the fundamental rules you never broke was to allow your slave to read. It was outright illegal.
Well, Gandhi put it like this, “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”
No one can strip you of education. No one. If you can think for yourself, and I’m not talking about the ironic overuse and abuse of that phrase lately by people who ‘do their own research,’ then you are liberated already, and your ‘master’s’ days are numbered.
You can’t own a plantation of slaves if the slaves are self-aware and know that your power is not infinite. Who understand that there is power in the collective. That others have been in shackles before and fought their way out.
If you know this, if you know your worth as a human being, that truth is passed down to you through education.
Right now, idiocy is lauded. Stupidity; celebrated. Professionalism, as is the case with Dr. Jill Biden, as she is not only educated, but she’s a woman to boot, becomes a target of disdain by men who are also educated but believe education belongs to the few oligarchs and their families.
The wars on democracy, on the citizens of a democracy, and education are happening everywhere in our society right now, and it has a purpose. You cannot have an effective democracy with an uneducated populace. People have to understand that they live in a democracy, they have to know how a democracy works, and they have to be able to engage with democracy for it to function correctly.
“What kind of government did you give us,” the lady asked Benjamin Franklin.
“A Republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
If. You. Can. Keep. It.
That’s the standard. That’s the dividing line. (And by the way, for you pedants out there reading this, a Republic is a form of democracy).
You cannot have a democracy without an informed populace. You can call it one, sure. I mean, Russia calls itself a democracy, but it doesn’t make it so. By some miracle, Vladimir Putin wins by 90 percent of the vote with 125 percent of the votes counted. He also tries to kill his opposition by poisoning them with nerve agents. That is if they’re not just outright murdered by being flung out of windows.
That’s not a democracy; that’s an oligarchy. Putin is no “President” or “Prime Minister.” He’s a dictator. He holds the whip.
Those people on Fox News, Newsmax, Breitbart, and The Wallstreet Journal editorial staff know what I am telling you is accurate. They also know that if you know this, you’ll reject what they tell you, therefore removing their control, their power, over what you think about your country and the people that live here. If THAT happens, then their wealth diminishes, and they can’t have that.
The Oligarchs need you stupid. They need you, poor. They need you to laugh at the educated, to forgo trust in the institutions of this country, to abandon your fellow Americans while they shackle you and rob you of your future.
So they’ll write Op-eds in the Wall Street Journal about Dr. Jill Biden not being a ‘real doctor,’ and while they keep up their assault on the institutions of education, they’ll strip you of life, liberty, and any pursuit of any happiness it can bring.
They’ll then turn you on your fellow citizen as the plantation owners convinced the southern poor to defend their right to own slaves. And before long, we’ll have a King, and the children you bear will be their serf, and they’ll never, ever know that there was once a place called America.
If there was ever a real conspiracy taking place, one that you can research and trace (Start off with Brown V. Board of Education/Johnson’s Great Society), it’s this one.
Who knows, maybe we can start a real honest to god gumshoe internet group of educated people (JSTOR anyone?). I already have our name picked out. QaNope.