I am embarrassed to call myself a Christian
I am embarrassed to call myself a Christian. I am utterly and hopelessly mortified by it.
If the past four years have taught me anything, it is that “Christendom” has become a punchline for a joke that isn’t funny anymore.
We had a dog for a president and a porn star for a first lady, and the evangelical movement, as well as plenty of Catholics, cast their name into THAT hat and made him their savior.
I’m not going to be a fool and argue the “No True Scotsman” fallacy and say that, “Well, they weren’t real Christians,” because that is EXACTLY what Christianity is today. It’s a pig pen of the vilest and most wretched behavior I have ever laid eyes on.
So wrapped up in that wretched creature and so certain of his ascent into saviorhood were they, that even upon his failure to deliver them the ‘promised land’ they took to the internet and created fake stories that somehow made them the victim of a scam that never existed.
Because they’ve been conditioned to it. They’re perpetual victims, and that victimhood or that persecution complex has been ground into their brains from the pulpit or lectern or alter from the heel of their espoused beliefs.
ISIS has landed in the U.S. and it’s from Hickville or the suburbs and has bottle blonde wives with fake tits and an Etsy account who have those UGLY ASS CROSSES all over their living rooms which, in rapturous tears, sing Amazing Grace, hands to glory, without realizing for a second that song was written. BY. A. SLAVE. SHIP. CAPTAIN.
No fucking clue of the IRONY of that song and their political beliefs. No inkling of conscience that says, “Wait for a second…” because they killed their conscience the moment they grabbed a picket sign and marched in front of an abortion clinic hurling insults to some poor girl who has to be escorted in for fear of her life.
Because the threat is real. They’d hurt her if not outright kill her.
They assume they know her story. They assume that she’s “…just a slut.” They think they have a right to her body and her life and her decision making; what they don’t know is that MAYBE she’s carrying her FATHER’S baby. Just maybe. Just maybe the horror between her ears was placed by someone violently between her legs as her security, and safety, and self-assurance, and innocence, and personhood was stolen from her.
And even if that isn’t the case — who is anyone to tell that child what she can and cannot do with her body that God gave her?
It tears me apart inside to see this kind of monstrosity lurching across the news stations with their coifed hair, their 10,000 dollar suits, their Bible in hand talking about the democrats as if we’re some sort of pagan, child sacrificing cult when all along you’ve allowed little kids to get their heads blown off in schools across the nation while daring to call yourselves pro-life. Some poor little boy or little girl, hiding behind the teacher’s legs as the last memory they have on earth while she tried to shield them with her body.
And then you get on your internet and tune into podcasts and YouTube videos declaring the shootings and the deaths and the absolute horror, a hoax. That those people were ‘actors’.
The discovery of babies bodies in a well in Ireland, the racism, the rape and sexual assault cases found in Southern Baptist Churches as well as Fundamental Baptist Churches, the physical abuse of boys and girls, the epic amounts of trauma inflicted on them as children, the “homes” for youth that are nothing more than torture centers for the perverted ‘ministers’ to inflict unholy trauma on victims with no recourse, the election of an anti-Christ to the position of President of the United States is completely unforgivable.
Here’s my message to ministers across the spectrum of Christendom. Listen closely:
I’ll come for the message. I’ll come for the word. I’ll come for the ceremony, the sacraments, the fellowship. I am compelled to this even after the hell that I’ve been put through. I am compelled to come to the Master’s table WHICH. YOU. ACT. AS. A. FUNCITONARY. TO.
That’s it.
But when it comes to morality issues, or politics, or social issues, I’m going to need you to kick rocks, pound sand, whatever euphemism works for you.
There has to be a new reformation because what we have I wouldn’t offer to my worst enemy.